


Together with Andy from The Missouri Department of Conservation, Alex, Evie, Harper, and Sarah spend some time learning a simple way to help conservation efforts to restore habitats for Missouri’s state bird, the Eastern Bluebird.

After building the houses, the five sit down to discuss the bluebird houses and more ways to support conservation at any age.

Sarah is our educator for this episode, and Evie spends a little time getting to know her.

In the behind-the-scenes segment, Hamza and Keath documented the day and what it took to bring this episode to life.


If you’d like to build your own birdhouse, you can download the guide from the Missouri Dept. of Conservation.

You can also learn more from the North American Bluebird Society.

If you build your own bird house, we’d love to see your designs. Tag us on Instagram @OurLittleWorldShow

You can also download printable Coloring Book Pages.

If you watched the show with a child, we’d love to get some anonymous feedback on what they liked and what may have left them disengaged.